
Sunday Worship

Guest Speaker: Mike Zinke

Planning in the Present Moment

We will examine the basic teachings of Zen and Mindfulness along with stress living in the present moment and ask ourselves "If we are always in the present moment, how do we plan for the future?" 

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Soul Matters - Small Group Ministry

Come join us for a conversation around big spiritual questions and ideas of life and faith. Each month we'll talk about a different theme and what it means in our lives, ranging from "Letting Go" to "Ancestry" to "Liberation." All are welcome. It's a great way to explore our liberal religious tradition and to connect with members of our community. Please RSVP for one of our two monthly gatherings by emailing our minister, Schuyler Vogel at We hope to see you there!

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Soul Matters - Small Group Ministry

Come join us for a conversation around big spiritual questions and ideas of life and faith. Each month we'll talk about a different theme and what it means in our lives, ranging from "Letting Go" to "Ancestry" to "Liberation." All are welcome. It's a great way to explore our liberal religious tradition and to connect with members of our community. Please RSVP for one of our two monthly gatherings by emailing our minister, Schuyler Vogel at We hope to see you there!

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United used jewely sale

Just in time for the holidays!  After service on Sunday, December 6, United will have a used jewelry sale- a fun and reasonable way to find holiday gifts for yourself and others!  This is a small fundraiser for our congregation and will be held in the fellowship hall after church. 

Carol Pauly and Paula Pambianco will be accepting donations fort his event each Sunday after church through November. You are also welcome to bring in donations to the office on Tuedays and Fridays from 10am to 2pm as late asFriday, December 6

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Sunday Worship

"Great Expectations"   Speaker: Rev. Schuyler Vogel

We all grow up with great expectations. We dream big dreams and plan grand plans. Despite our hopes though, most of us won't achieve all we want. Reality gets in the way, fears of failure deter us, or we stop believing in ourselves. Come explore how we can find the freedom and courage to forge ahead anyways.

*Please note that this is a change in sermon topic from what was originally in our services calendar.

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Sunday Worship

"We Are Not Free"

Speaker: Rev. Schuyler Vogel

What does it mean to be free?  When do we feel the freest?  We hear about the word freedom a lot in our society today and are often warned that we are in danger of losing it.  Yet we use the term too narrowly.  Freedom should not only be understood "freedom from." but "freedom to."  It's more nuanced, but vital in helping us achieve true liberation. 

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Soul Matters - Small Group Ministry

Come join us for a conversation around big spiritual questions and ideas of life and faith. Each month we'll talk about a different theme and what it means in our lives, ranging from "Letting Go" to "Ancestry" to "Liberation." All are welcome. It's a great way to explore our liberal religious tradition and to connect with members of our community. Please RSVP for one of our two monthly gatherings by emailing our minister, Schuyler Vogel at We hope to see you there!

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Soul Matters - Small Group Ministry

Come join us for a conversation around big spiritual questions and ideas of life and faith. Each month we'll talk about a different theme and what it means in our lives, ranging from "Letting Go" to "Ancestry" to "Liberation." All are welcome. It's a great way to explore our liberal religious tradition and to connect with members of our community. Please RSVP for one of our two monthly gatherings by emailing our minister, Schuyler Vogel at We hope to see you there!

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Sunday Worship

"Why Black Lives Matter?"    Speaker: Rev. Schuyler Vogel

Over the past year, the Black Lives Matters movement has spread from Ferguson to Milwaukee to communities around the world. It has inspired some, outraged others, and left many unsure and in doubt. Today we'll dive in, exploring the issues and why Unitarian Universalists, and all Americans should take notice and care. 

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Ordination stole viewing

Please join us after the service at a formal viewing of the ordination stole, crafted by Marica Romashko.  She will be available to answer any questions and discuss the process and ideas behind it.  We hope you'll be there!

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Sunday Worship

"A History Not Ours"   Speaker:  Rev.Schuyler Vogel

As our country prepares for another election today, the impact of religion cannot be understated.  Religious liberals have long been involved with politics, but perhaps no tradition has been more influential that the modern evangelical movement.  While our two traditions have often found themselves on different sides of the religious and political spectrum, there is much Unitarians can learn from both the history and the theology of evangelicalism.  Come find out what they might be. 

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